Header | Required | Value | Note |
#LINK | false | - | Explicitly indicates that this is a LinkData table data file. |
#file_name | false | half-width characters and "_" underscore ex.) todoufuken_list |
Specifies the name of the table data file. When you upload a file whose #file_name value is the same as a file uploaded before, the old file will be overwritten after confirmation. |
#lang | false | character string ex.) en |
Specifies the default language. Please use two letter language code according to ISO639. |
#template_generated _from |
false | URI string ex.) http://linkdata.org/work/rdf1s8i/todoufuken-chousha.html |
It will automatically be added when a template is generated by the "reuse table data" function in LinkData. The URI of the original file of a template will be shown in the Value. |
#download_from | false | URI string ex.) http://linkdata.org/work/rdf1s8i |
It will automatically be added after converting to RDF. The URI of the LinkData work will be shown in the Value. |
#attribution_url | false | URI string ex.) http://linkdata.org/user/Tetsuro_Toyoda |
Specifies the webpage of the creator of the table data. Please input the URL for the user’s LinkData, Facebook page, and so forth. |
#attribution_name | true | character string ex.) Tetsuro Toyoda |
Specifies the name of the creator of the table data. |
#license | false | URI string ex.) http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.ja |
Specifies the CreativeCommons license. If another license in the uploading step, the value will be overwritten. |
#namespace | false | [1] character string ex.) rdfs [2] URI string ex.) http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# |
Specifies a namespace(an abbreviation) of a URI which is used in the table data.
In the case of an Excel file, please input the prefix and URI of the namespace in the second column and third column, respectively.
In the case of a text file, please input them with tab-separated format.
You can define several namespaces when you input them in multiple lines. For example, "rdfs:label" will be treated as "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label" in the table data if you input "rdfs" as a prefix and "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" as a URI of the namespace. |
Header | Required | Value | Note |
#property | true | character string ex.) http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label |
Specifies the URI or the name of a property. If you input a string instead of a URI, it will be converted automatically to a URI of the format, "http://linkdata.org/property/[work ID]#[string]" after uploading. Characters which are not allowed in URI (such as Japanese, etc.) will be encoded to percent characters. |
#object_type_xsd | true | character string ex.) string:en |
Specifies the data type and the language of an object. Please use the XML Schema - Data Types when you define a data type. If you define the data type "string", please input ":" and two letter language code according to ISO639. You can also use "string:others" if you don't want to specify the language. |
#property_context | false | character string ex.) Assertion |
Please input one of the following according to nanopub.org: “Assertion”, “Condition”, or “Provenance”. "Assertion" will be selected when nothing is specified. Only columns specified by "Assertion" will be treated as objects. |