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population by village of Shiraoi

白老町字別人口/population by village of Shiraoi



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#lang ja
#attribution_name Code for IBURI
#file_name population_by_village_shiraoi
#property English 人口(2003) 人口(2004) 人口(2005) 人口(2006) 人口(2007) 人口(2008) 人口(2009) 世帯数(2003) 世帯数(2004) 世帯数(2005) 世帯数(2006) 世帯数(2007) 世帯数(2008) 世帯数(2009)
#object_type_xsd string string:en int int int int int int int int int int int int int int
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 社台 Shadai 960 950 939 965 964 936 936 459 454 451 483 474 460 472
2 白老 Shiraoi 9673 9542 9464 9422 9228 9090 8955 4195 4198 4190 4208 4213 4222 4229
3 森野 Morino 2 2 4 4 5 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
4 石山 Ishiyama 1124 1117 1079 1068 1049 1073 1087 531 532 524 525 535 554 567
5 萩野 Hagino 3186 3140 3043 3007 2953 2899 2865 1346 1347 1328 1341 1343 1338 1348
6 北吉原 Kitayoshiwara 2467 2407 2337 2260 2238 2193 2165 1134 1128 1116 1093 1105 1101 1105
7 竹浦 Takeura 2454 2413 2368 2346 2311 2299 2269 1203 1197 1198 1204 1205 1219 1219
8 虎杖浜 Kojohama 2017 1984 1958 1905 1868 1816 1761 850 850 850 845 850 847 837
10 合計 Total 21883 21555 21192 20977 20616 20310 20042 9720 9708 9660 9702 9728 9743 9779
* Row count is limited to 100.