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#lang ja
#attribution_name sabaecity
#file_name menkyohennou
#property nendo hennousya man female average
#object_type_xsd string int int int float
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 H19 39 23 16 78.3
2 H20 78 54 24 79
3 H21 72 38 34 80.5
4 H22 63 46 17 78.8
5 H23 68 43 25 78.4
6 H24 74 52 22 79.5
7 H25 71 50 21 78.4
8 H26 94 59 35 78.5
9 H27 127 70 57 78.5
* Row count is limited to 100.